The charge of Driving Under the Influence is one that causes a variety of emotions to the general public. There are those who feel many DUI laws are punishing individuals who want to drink responsibly but who receive traffic tickets while on a night out. And, there are others who think no-one should drink and drive, no matter how little.For the last 10 years it has been an understood law that the legal alcohol limit with which an individual could drive safely was .08. However, a current push is being made to lower that limit, in the hopes of avoiding serious injuries or death caused by DUI.Specifically, the National Transportation Safety Board is currently endorsing the bold move to push for the blood alcohol concentration limit to be lowered to .05. Such a change would be a drastic one and would greatly affect how men and women drink socially. Essentially, in 90 minute period both men and women would need to drink approximately one less drink in order to stay within the legal limit.The board was also seeking other changes, like requiring that everyone convicted of a DUI be required to use a breath alcohol interlock ignition device (BAIID) in order to drive post-conviction. There was even talk about putting built-in alcohol detectors in all cars in the future, with a mention of possible sensors in the steering wheel.Should these desired changes become law, they will greatly change the DUI legal landscape. Prosecution and defense of these cases would change, as would the consequences of convictions. It has the potential of catching many responsible, social drinkers in its wake, even though at the lower limit they would currently be deemed fit to drive.Defense attorneys and firms are carefully monitoring the discussion and move for change, so that they can best protect and defend their clients. For now, the law remains the same, but change may coming.

Should the legal alcohol limit be lowered? Some people are moving for the change.
The Toney Law Firm, LLC