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What’s My Zoom Code for Cook County, Chicago Court? When Do I Have Court Next?

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One year ago “what’s the zoom code for court” was not a phrase anyone had ever said in Cook County. But now, we receive emails and phone calls every day wondering: what’s my zoom code for court? Do I even have court? Please tell me I don’t actually have to go to the courthouse!

The good news is for most traffic, DUI, misdemeanor, and felony cases in Chicago, you do not have to physically go to the courthouse. Most of these cases will allow you to zoom in for court. But getting the zoom codes for each courthouse, each courtroom and each call time (say 9 am and 1:30 pm) has been really difficult for clients.

Each room and time can have a different code. There have been orders issued by the judges telling people some general information, like this one by the Chief Judge of Cook County.

There have also been months where client’s cases have been automatically continued. If you don’t have a lawyer, here is a way you can text or email for your next court date.

However, you’ll notice there are no zoom codes in those links. Here are a few links to current zoom codes:

Some zoom tips:

  • Only you should appear on zoom for your case. Do not have anyone else zoom in to watch or on-screen with you
  • Change your name under “settings” on zoom to be your actual name. Sometimes, if you are zooming on your cell phone, the name might appear as “Phone 20” and you want the judge to be able to tell it’s you to let you into the zoom room.
  • Have yourself on mute at all times. This should be your default to be safe.
  • Talk to your lawyer ahead of time and unless told to do so, you should not talk to the judge or ask the judge questions. The judge will expect you to have talked to your lawyer and have all your questions answered by your lawyer. And don’t be fooled into thinking this is an easy chance to talk to the judge. The same rules of the courtroom apply and you could hurt your case by talking out of turn.
  • Go somewhere it is quiet and you can be alone without children, pets, or background noise. This is still real court and you need to be respectful.
  • You still should dress up for court. No pajamas or rolling out of bed. Like above, be respectful.

We know that all the court continuances and now court appearances over zoom are very confusing. The lawyers think so too. But we are here to help, so if you have questions, talk to your lawyer or give us a call or a message us in the chat.
